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19 November 2005
Please visit us at our new digs: www.stlawrencevalleyspca.org
New look, new paint, new design, and new Photo Galleries of adoptable animals.   I sure hope you'll follow us and tell your friends, too.  Thanks for your past visits, and thanks for your future visits.  We'll work hard to deserve them and provide you with a useful service.  Remember, you favorite pet may be right here (or there, as the case may be).  
By following any link, I am agreeing to be bound  by all stated rules and policies on this web site.
NOTE:  This site uses some javascript here and there to enhance a visitor's experience.  You should have no problems if your browser is not rendering javascript; you will simply miss some of the mostly minor enhancements it provides.

Not sure whether Javascript is enabled on your computer?  Click here and I can tell you.  

ASPCA Disaster Relief Call for Help

Document made with Nvu

Please tell your friends and relatives about our new home.  This web site will be removed in the near future to be completely replaced by the new site at www.stlawrencevalleyspca.org.  The building project has been completed and the place has a whole new look inside and out!  Better for the animals, better for the volunteers, just plain  BETTER, all the way around!  

YOU are important!  Please visit, support, vounteer, donate, whatever you wish.  We would be nothing without the good folk who have done SO much to help the shelter with its addition.  

I hope we'll see you there!!



The mission of the St. Lawrence Valley SPCA is to provide quality care for unwanted animals, alleviate pain and suffering, promote quality adoptions, advocate spay/neuter as the only humane method of pet population control and to educate the public on humane treatment of all animals.

Established in Ogdensburg in 1901, the St. Lawrence Valley SPCA was incorporated in 1910 with a legal agreement to protect animals, enforce anti-cruelty law and maintain its primary office in Ogdensburg. We are a non-profit agency. This means the board of directors is comprised of volunteers who receive no compensation. It also means that animals can not be sold. We provide a Pet Taxi service, to and from the Vet's, for the pets of senior citizens and the disabled within the City of Ogdensburg.

 The beginnings of this web site were conceived and initiated by our late friend and colleague Andy Shattuck in late 1999 and 2000. In May of 2000, Tom Rivet continued Andy's work and the site was finally able to reach a point where it was presented to the surfing public.Please tell your friends and relatives about our new home.  This web site will be removed in the near future to be completely replaced by the new site at www.stlawrencevalleyspca.org.  The building project has been completed and the place has a whole new look inside and out!  Better for the animals, better for the volunteers, just plain old BETTER, all the way around!  

I hope we'll see you there!!


Please tell your friends and relatives about our new home.  This web site will be removed in the near future to be completely replaced by the new site at www.stlawrencevalleyspca.org.  The building project has been completed and the place has a whole new look inside and out!  Better for the animals, better for the volunteers, just plain  BETTER, all the way around!  

I hope we'll see you there!!  

Spam wPoison: Caution.  Snot wpoison, but I needed a reason to use the word wpoison here.  
In case you got curious and looked down the page to see what's here, BE ADVISED that from here to the bottom is nothing but a list of unused, reserved filenames which will never actually exist!  They're in "hidden" print o purpose:  You will have trouble reading them, but illegal scanners will not:  Scanners will simply find a long list of phoney addresses to scrape and use on their spam distribution lists.  Just my little contribution to preventing spam.  
   You're welcome to "steal" them if you wish.  I'd rather have you steal these than make up a hopefully phoney email address wich ends up spamming me!  Or even some other innocent party.  Want to join the fight on spam?

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