By following any link, I understand that I am bound  by the policies of this web site.
Since it is an all-volunteer operation, the St. Lawrence SPCA only adopts out dogs and cats, although they may on occasion accept another species for humane purposes.  That's why there are only two Adoption Links.  
NOTE:  Please note that not all animals available for adoption are shown on these pages.  At times it isn't even "most" of them!  Census  at the shelter can change quickly, sometimes  on a daily basis,  so the complete range of pets awaiting adoption is always in flux.  It can only be as current on this web site as our last photography session, which is normally  each Saturday afternoon.   The only way to view an accurate census is by actually visiting the Shelter during its regular hours of operation.
ID Admit Date Strayed Surrendered Name Age Sex Spayed/Neutered
Shelter ID Admitted to Shelter Found,  often a thrown-away or simply unwanted animal Given up by previous owner Animal's Name
Description: Breed, identifying characteristics Remarks: nature, housebroken, etc.
SEE PHOTO  Link to a photograph
which will open in a new window
ALL animals available for adoption have been observed for any behavior problems or aggressiveness, among other things.  Only animals considered healthy and not a danger to others can be offered for adoption.  There can be NO guarantee or warranty of any kind to the  health, behavior or any other trait/characteristic of any animal placed for adoption.
Remember, your perfect pet may be right here!!  
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