6718 SH 68
PO BPX 594
ABOUT US . . . . . . Established in 1901, the St. Lawrence Valley SPCA has a long history of caring for animals. We are a quality care kennel and will care for your dog as we would care for our own.
STAFF........ Our staff is dedicated to total care and attention of all animals in our facility and will do everything within their power to make your pet's stay with us as pleasant and stress free as possible.
Facility... Our Shelter, located at 6718 SH 68, Ogdensburg, NY is in the process of being upgraded as finances allow. Great effort is made to ensure the cleanliness of the kennels, both inside and out.
Environment. . . . . Your dog will not be boarded in a cage but a kennel, both inside and out. There is ample room for exercise and free movement. From 6:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., when the staff leaves for the day, all dogs are rotated outside in the larger exercise areas for at least (weather permitting) four, 45 minute exercise periods. We do not accept outside bedding. Although we accept items from home (toys, etc.) to accompany your dog during his visit, we cannot accept responsibility for such items should they be lost or destroyed.
Vaccinations .... For the safety of your dog as well as the Shelter animals, veterinarian verification is required at the time of check-in. We cannot board any dog younger than four (4) months of age since they will not have received their full range of vaccinations. Your dog must be vaccinated for Bordatella (Kennel Cough), Distemper, Parvovirus and Rabies and require it to he been given at least 7 days prior to boarding . If you do not have this verification with you, we will not allow your dog to be brought into the Shelter. To ensure the health of all animals housed at the Shelter, there will be absolutely no exceptions made on this point.
Food.... Our Shelter dogs are fed
Purina kibble and soft foods. If you prefer we will prepare and feed any food
that you provide.
the time you make reservations make sure our staff is aware of any special
Medication. . . . Our staff will administer medication, as prescribed by your Veterinarian, that can be hidden in either canned food or a treat. We do not give shots. Again when making reservations make sure our staff is made aware of any medications needed during your dog's stay with us and bring enough with you for the duration of that stay.
Veterinary Care... When completing the boarding contract, you will be asked the name, address and telephone number of your dog's veterinarian.. As an additional safety measure, we will require all owners to provide a name and phone number of a reliable adult whom we may contact in the event your dog should become ill. It is recommended that the person you choose be able to make decisions regarding your pet's care should that become necessary. Please also be aware that you are financially responsible for such aid and medical treatment.
Reservations. . .The Shelter animals remain our first priority and boarding kennels are restricted to three (3). Early reservations are advised, especially during holidays and the entire summer, in order to reserve a place for your dog at our facility. We ask that if you have to cancel a reservation please give us 24 hours notice. Your cooperation on this point is appreciated.
Security. . . .The St. Lawrence Valley SPCA takes
the security of our facility very seriously. Doors with exterior access are heavy
duty security doors, security fence lines the perimeter and gates into the
outside kennel areas are padlocked. Security motion lights are located at
various points on the building and there are mercury vapors lights in both the
front and back yards.
member of our staff lives on the grounds within one hundred feet of the
building. We are located less than three miles from the City of Ogdensburg, only
minutes from a fire service and SH 68 is regularly patrolled by both the New
York State Police and the St. Lawrence Valley Sheriffs Department. Great effort
has been made to ensure animal safety.
Rates. . . . . . The Boarding Fee is
(at the time of this writing) $12.00
per day or part thereof. If you bring your dog in at 3:00 p.m. on Friday and
pick him up at 3:00 p.m. on
Monday, the charge will be for four (4) days. There will be a 10% discount
after ten (10) continuous days. All boarding must be paid in full at time of check in.
Release of Animal... At the time of check in,
please make arrangements with our staff' for the time of pick up of your dog.
We do not have unlimited open hours and ask that you work with us on this. You
will be given two contact phone numbers that you will be able to call to
arrange to pick up your pet if the time is outside of our regular open hours.
These hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 1:00-4:00 p.m. and Thursday 2:00-6:00 p.m.
pets shall be admitted or released to anyone but family members,
unless pre-authorized
with us, signed and dated on the boarding
On behalf of the Staff, Board and Volunteers of the St. Lawrence Valley SPCA, thank you for placing your trust in us and allowing us to care for your dog during your absence.
How to Be a Great Pet Owner!
• Spay or Neuter Your Pet. Pet overpopulation is a very serious problem in our country. Responsible people do not add to that problem.
• Be sure your pet's vaccinations are up to date.
• Training your pet will make you both happier. Patience is the key factor.
• Remember that companionship and love are a necessary part of your pet's life.
• When thinking about adding a pet to your family, give very serious consideration to adopting a shelter animal.
• Teach your children respect for pets and all living creatures. Don't expect an animal to take abuse and not fight back.
• Be like Noah and treat your animals like they were the last ones on Earth.